Just like the previous post about the GM Stamping Plant on Film, these photos were taken the same time but only on my Canon 6D. The area used to be filled with factory buildings. The lone structure standing was surrounded by a few more. All of them in one connected row, side by side. For a reason I do not know, they tore everything down except for this skeleton of a frame.
There are signs of previous life all around the property. One area of the ground had cheap tile over expensive looking marble floors. There were also areas where you could tell either a crawl space, drainage, or some other underground void was built into the ground. The area would have been really cool to explore before the demolition.

2 Responses
That part we left because they were thinking about putting a concert venue in. And it didn’t have a crawl space, it had 20 ft deep basement with tunnels everywhere
Well that’s cool. Now I want to see what that basement and those tunnels look like. 😉